Sharpening Services
Before we started making Evolution Shears, we were sharpeners with a thriving, full-time business in New Jersey. We still sharpen not only Evolution Shears but any other brand of scissors and A5 clipper blades as well.
We understand that you need your equipment in order to work, and we’ll have it back to you ASAP, usually within 7-10 days from the day you ship it….as long as we aren’t away at a show. So, please call us to make sure we are at the shop so that you’ll know approximately when you will receive your equipment back.
Please enclose a piece of paper with the following information:
Shipping address
Cell phone number
Email address
Also, if there are any special instructions (date you MUST have it back, particular issues with anything) please note that as well.
We will email an invoice to you so that you can pay securely online. If you need to make other payment arrangements please let us know. NO COMPLETED ORDERS WILL BE SHIPPED UNTIL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED.
Our Shipping Address Is:
Sharpening Pricing (subject to change)
Evolution Shears $15 (any type)
All other brand shears:
Beveled edge $17.00
Convex edge $22.00
Thinners and chunkers $22.00
A5 blades
$9.00 (when shipped to us with an Evolution Shear for sharpening). $10.00 when shipped with any other shears or alone.
Prices do not include shipping. All orders containing at least one (1) Evolution Shears are limited to a $5.00 return shipping charge. All orders over $150 will be shipped free of charge.
Tips for Prolonging the Life of Your Shears
We manufacture our shears using the finest 440C Japanese surgical stainless steel. Because of its high Rockwell Hardness rating of 59-61, they should “take a licking and keep on ticking.” You can help by keeping the following tips in mind:
1. To clean your scissors:
Use a soft brush to clean hair from the pivot point.
Clean blades with a cleaner and soft cloth.
Keep blades dry so they don’t rust or corrode. Even “stains-less” steel can corrode.
Apply a thin coat of oil to prevent corrosion.
2. Test tension every day.
When tension is too loose, you must “grind” the blades together to make them cut. This will wear out the inside edges and dull your blades prematurely.
3. Use a drop of oil
(Scissor or blade oil is fine) on the black rubber swivel washer and the back of the scissor pivot screw. This will keep parts from drying out and cracking.
4. If your scissors drop and become nicked, put them down and pick up a different pair. If you try to keep using them, the nick will become deeper, requiring more metal to be removed from the blade to fix it.
Although we recommend using our sharpening services to keep your shears working like new for as long as possible, you don’t have to use us or anyone we designate. Please ensure your sharpener uses a flat hone machine and doesn’t use a grinder. That being said, there are still no guarantees that the sharpener who walks in off the street, promises you the moon, and offers to sharpen a pair for free if you try him won’t also hurt your scissors. The wrong sharpening will ruin the edges, and your scissors will never feel or cut the same. It will also take years off the life of your shears.
That damage is not covered under our warranty. So, please be careful.